
Published on:

1st Feb 2022

Do I need counselling with my IVF?

Do you need counselling to help you through your fertility journey? Whilst your instinct might well be NO! fertility treatment is daunting and overwhelming. Just dealing with the realisation that you aren't going to be able to conceive the romantic 'movie way' in itself takes some getting used to, Without realising, having someone or a group to talk to about your feelings could be exactly what you need. Even if you've always thought 'counselling and therapy weren't for you. You probably never imagined starting your family would go this way either.

My next two guests Kate Brian and Tracey Sainsbury talk about the work they do to help you on your fertility journey. Kate wears many hats however our chat is about the work she does for Infertility Network UK and you can hear more about her personal journey with infertility in Season 1 plus you can follow her blog here. Tracey Sainsbury is an IVF counsellor, an adoptive parent and a foster career and you can follow her blog here 

What you will learn about in this podcast:

  • The importance of support groups and how they can help you
  • Overcoming your perception of what support groups might be like
  • The kind of people who attend, including experts available to ask questions to
  • Why work with an IVF counsellor
  • Hedgehogs!
  • Dealing with the loss of the fantasy of how you were going to conceive as well as issues having the treatment might bring up from your past
  • Implications counselling - what it will mean if the treatment is successful
  • The London Women's Clinic
  • The Bridge Centre

Follow Kate Brian on Twitter 

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About the Podcast

Infertility Support
The Fertility Podcast on Infertility Support
Where to get support when you are struggling to have a baby, this archive series of The Fertility Podcast discusses counselling and coaching with a wide range of interviews with experts, as well as sharing many stories of people who have set up businesses or started blogs or podcasts to help them and others deal with the struggles of not being able to have a family as expected.

About your host

Profile picture for Natalie Silverman

Natalie Silverman